Ailie Blunnie

Songwriter :: Singer :: Musician

Sound-Bytes from the Deep End

Posted by on Feb 7, 2025


Some news..

It’s coming up on 4 years now since I first developed Long COVID (ME/CFS & POTS subtype) and I wanted to share a bit about how I’m doing with it so I’ve decided to start talking into a microphone about the impact that this condition has been having on various aspects of my life and sharing it here on my website and on YouTube.

My reasoning behind undertaking this venture is: 1) I would really love to help people learn about and glimpse the lived reality of dealing with these kinds of chronic conditions which so often hit people out of the blue; 2) to give voice to my experience; and 3) it’s the best way I’ve thought of so far to try and help myself to connect and stay in touch with the people in my life who I’ve been really struggling to keep in contact with on account of the demands of managing the energy impairments of the illness.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions for topics you’d like me to cover as part of this series!

Thank you, and all the best for now,

Ailie x